Marty: That's the whole point! Get off the grid, right? No cell phone reception, no traffic cameras. Go someplace for one God damn weekend where you can't…globally position my ass, man. This is the whole issue...
馬蒂: 這是全部的重點!擺脫框架,這樣才對吧? 沒有手機訊號,沒有測速照相。在嗨翻的周末去個GP媽的S都定位不到的地方。這才是完整的議題!

Jules: Is society crumbling, Marty?
珠兒: 馬蒂,社會體制正在分崩離析嗎?

Marty: No, society is binding, right? It's filling in the cracks with concrete. Everything's filed or recorded, blogged, right? Chips in our kids heads so they won't get lost. Society needs to crumble. We're all just too chicken-shit to let it.
馬蒂: 沒有,反而是在凝聚。用水泥(具體事物)將所有裂縫填補。將所有一切分類歸檔、紀錄收藏或部落格分享。就像小孩被植入晶片,這樣才不會走丟。其實社會需要崩解。只是我們都太微不足道而無法疏離這個社會 (只能隨波逐流)

摘自 The Cabin in the Woods 詭屋 


另外在片中講了一個片語蠻有趣的~~劇中女科學家說到: “Guys! Stockholm went south.” (斯德哥爾摩那邊情況不妙)

"go/head south" 從網路的資料得知go / head south ,其表達的意思是指下降,變壞;數量、品質或價值的減少,亦指情況越來越糟 根據《美國慣用語用法詞典》go south的用法在20世紀初就有了。1974921出版的《商業週刊》: "The market then rallies, falls back to test its low--and just keeps 'heading South,' as they say on the Street."  20世紀80年代前的報刊雜誌,幾乎所有用到go south的地方用的都是其字面意思,而沒有什麼比喻的用法。19852月出版的電視文摘公司《每日通訊》上有go south做習語用的句子: "Rosy view of VCR impact was somewhat contradicted during dinner talk by Frank Biondi, exec. vp of Coca-Cola's Entertainment Business Sector and ex-chmn. of HBO. In other countries, when VCR penetration hits 30%, 'theatrical attendance starts to go south and very quickly,' 在籃球賽事後的評論裡,勝方的隊員被引述說: "We were fortunate. When you play on the road, things can go 'south' for you" (美聯社1986124). 到了今天,go south的比喻義用法比比皆是。199012月一篇有關電腦的文章裡寫到:"A PC clone may go south, and you're left with a pile of junk that is not supported by anyone" (InfoWorld)。而富士比 (Forbes Magazine)一篇文章裡預測電腦銷售前景不佳的標題更生動地表達出此意:"PC Sales Go South For The Holidays."

呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



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呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Why are you guys so anti dictators? Imagine if America is a dictatorship.

1. You could let 1% people have all the nation’s wealth. Help the rich get richer by cutting taxes and bailing   

    them out when they gamble and lose.

2. You can ignore the need of poor for health care and education.

3. Your media would appear free but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family.

呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

The reason of the law is the soul of the law. 法理乃法律之精神。

The safety of the people is the supreme law. 人民之安寧乃最高之法律。

Good order is the foundation of all things. 良好的秩序是一切的基礎。

(E.Burke, British statesman 伯克 英國政治家)


Law is order, and good law is good order. 法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有 好的秩序。

呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I do love the words...

"History prefers legends, to men. It prefers nobility, to brutality. Soaring speeches, to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle, but forgets the blood. However history remembers me - - before I was a president - it shall only remember a fraction of the truth." -Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

歷史注重(著墨於)傳奇勝過於人物 . 偏愛崇高而非殘暴. 慷慨激昂的演講勝過私下的美德. 歷史會記得戰場的勝利卻會忘記死去的生命. 然而歷史會記下我一筆-在我還未當總統前-應僅記得那一小部分的事實真相 。


呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

警察考試 警察英文 - 警察特考研究所二技英文等相關考試

【警察考試】  101警察內軌三等 


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徐偉圓夢諮詢中心                                   呂艾肯吳泰良老師 


1.     Mary was under arrest on __________ of attempted murder(意圖謀殺)/homicide(謀殺)/   

negligent manslaughter(過失殺人)/aggravated assault(重傷害)/human trafficking(人口販運) /smuggling(走私)/identity theft(身分竊用)/rape(性侵害)/arson(縱火罪)/kidnapping(綁架). 


呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


徐偉圓夢諮詢中心                                                  呂艾肯 吳泰良老師 


1.     Mary was under arrest on __________ of attempted murder(意圖謀殺)/homicide(謀殺)/   

negligent manslaughter(過失殺人)/aggravated assault(重傷害)/human trafficking(人口販運) /smuggling(走私)/auto theft(汽車偷竊)/rape(性侵害)/arson(縱火罪)/kidnapping(綁架). 

呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Prometheus 雷利史考特這部普羅米修斯是關於Alien(異形)跟Predator(終極戰士,我覺得裡面的巨人就是它們)有關的片子,裡面丟出了一個大哉問的問題-人類的起源。而Prometheus片名來自劇中太空船船名。 短片中Ted Weyland提到,因為Prometheus的盜火才為人類帶來科技的初步 (our first piece of technology),所以因而取名。最近看的幾部片也很有趣不約而同地都談到外星人和歌蒂拉星球 (goldilocks planet) ,大抵是跟馬雅古文明的2012有關吧。anyway…劇中有一幕印象很深刻的就是當探險小組取得外星巨人斷掉的頭顱時,利用科技製造出腦部脈衝,使外星人短暫甦醒。但是不知為何最後外星人突然爆頭而收場,這時AI機器人 David 說了一句話” Mortal after all” 翻譯記得是翻 ”畢竟是人類” 。其實我覺得翻畢竟是”血肉之軀”會更棒…因為兩相對照David後來被斷頭,卻還是能夠維持運作,機械與血肉之軀剛好互相呼應 而mortal 可以當形容詞凡人的;會死的之意,也可當名詞凡人解釋 而其相反詞,很簡單,前面的字首加上im; immortal 即為永世的;神人的;流芳百世之人….這也是另外一部希臘電影”戰神世紀”… 跟此字很相像的字是 moral (a. n.) 道德倫理的,品行,以及 morale (n.) 士氣 這幾個字千萬可別搞混了阿~





呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

徐偉圓夢諮詢中心     呂艾肯 吳泰良老師   101學年 警察大學 二技 英文詳解


三、綜合測驗(克漏及閱讀測驗):請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 40)

A Taipei police officer has been 31 for allowing some tourists to handle his firearm earlier in the week. The officer 32 Luo received demerits for 33 firearm regulations. Although he claimed that it was a friendly, diplomatic gesture, the station’s deputy director noted that “this kind of situation cannot be 34 .” Officer Luo allowed a group of foreign visitors to play with his gun, while he was working at an intersection near the Martyrs’ Shrine, a popular Taipei tourist 35 . In a video posted online, Officer Luo was also seen loading and unloading the 36 in front of the curious tourists. (excerpted from Chinapost online, 2012)

呂艾肯(警專英文) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

徐偉圓夢諮詢中心             呂艾肯 吳泰良老師       101年 警大2技 英文詳解


一、字彙:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 50)

1. Freeze. You are under _____. Put down your weapon.

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