基本上,每次台灣遭遇重大治安事件後,政府或達官顯貴們,總不約而同地以「提高見警率 Police Presence」為口號喊得震天響的來當成亡羊補牢的必要手段。以此為穩定民心的口號,撲天蓋地的將警力配置到極致,但是根本核心的問題真的有解決嗎?把有限的警力部署在台灣各處,真的能達到立委高官們預期的「嚇阻deterrence」的作用嗎?
基本上,每次台灣遭遇重大治安事件後,政府或達官顯貴們,總不約而同地以「提高見警率 Police Presence」為口號喊得震天響的來當成亡羊補牢的必要手段。以此為穩定民心的口號,撲天蓋地的將警力配置到極致,但是根本核心的問題真的有解決嗎?把有限的警力部署在台灣各處,真的能達到立委高官們預期的「嚇阻deterrence」的作用嗎?
六、公職作文高分秘笈 (三等以上)
外交: (100分比重) 97年 對外國媒體介紹台灣之美 120 w 介紹台灣傳統婚禮的演講稿 120 w 以台北經濟文化辦事處回覆文化差異 200 w 95年舉一英雄英雌並解釋 |
(以下句型摘錄自許偉公職移民司法警用公職口袋書 歡迎索取)
1. It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的)
It is obvious that + 句子 (明顯的)
It is apparent that + 句子 (顯然的)
Taiwan must accelerate improving human rights
台灣須加速改善其人權 (China Post Jul/3/2011)
Taiwan keeps its rank this year as a top-tier nation in fighting international human trafficking according to the 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. State Department. The report commended Taiwan's immigration and labor authorities for fully complying with standards for the elimination of trafficking by continuing to “prosecute and punish trafficking offenses, including both forced labor and forced prostitution,” and noted how the nation has sustained “strong victim protection efforts, continued to train law enforcement and other government officials, and raised public awareness on trafficking offenses.” Taiwan has also educated its people on human trafficking issues through TV and online advertisements, and helped migrant workers to better understand their rights, the report said. The International Labor Organization, Kevin and Kara say there may be 10 million to 30 million people living in slavery around the world. The U.N. estimates the total value of the human trafficking market at US$32 billion.
A foreigner, Mr. Wilson, walks into Taipei City Service of National Immigration Agency and asks Officer Chen for service.
Wilson: Good morning, Officer!
Chen: Good morning, how may I help you?
Wilson: I want to apply for the visitor visa extension
the principle of political neutrality 政治中立原則 |
take measure 採取措施 |
(be) subject to取決於;遭受;受…約束 |
cope with 處理 |
三、四等移民署考猜與翻譯 吳泰良、呂艾肯編輯
(以下內容部分摘錄自高見公職移民司法警用公職口袋書 歡迎索取)
Homeland Security國土安全 |
intelligence (n) 情資情報 |