【警察考試】 101警察內軌三等
高見公職 呂艾肯吳泰良老師
For the sake of safety, please mind/pay attention to the driving speed and traffic regulations while riding.
After having stalked for many days, the police finally inspected considerable drugs/narcotics in the motel.
"Affinity", being focused on "sympathy", signifies being considerate of others. Only when the police show great affinity can they get respected by the public. Therefore, in the harmonious society, the police must have affinity and then establish their prestige and public reliance. During the process of enforcing affinity, the police should pay heed to the fundamental standards of humanity and moral standards based on laws, and enforce the law by means of affinity, humanity, science and transparency. In addition, we should make the process of law enforcement strict, fair, and civilized, so as to reach the goal of maintaining the social stability and promoting the social harmony.
However, there are plenty of factors affecting the public’s perspectives of the police’s affinity. Of all, the most fundamental one is still related to the inner management problem of the police. Thus, for the police to set up good image to approach people, we have to strengthen the inner management first, accompanied by other steps as follows:
First, enhancing the police management and expanding external public relations. The police should strengthen the construction of police officers' public relations to strive for support by the public and the cooperation of the police with all citizens. The police force and people should have mutual communication, eliminate misunderstandings, promote unity, and keep in step, so as to form huge cohesiveness in the hope that it can create good foundation and premise for the outward activities of public relation.
1、 強化警隊管理,拓展外部公關。加強員警公共關係建設,以爭取全體民警合作與支持,使警察部門與民眾之間能雙向溝通、消除誤解、增進團結、步調一致,才能形成巨大的凝聚力,其為對外公共關係活動創造良好的基礎和前提
Second, cultivate a good attitude toward communicating with the public. The professional image of the police lying in the people’s heart is, to the great extent, mainly based on the attitude expressed by the police when the policemen communicate with the crowd face by face. Thus, the key to building up perfect good public relations between the police and all walks of life lies in rectifying the policemen’s attitude toward people, guiding all the grassroots police officers to dealing with the relation of management and service correctly, and establishing the new police-citizen relations of the equal communication, the respect of individual character, the strict law enforcement and the enthusiastic attitude toward service. Appropriate manner is always the premise to establish convenience civil service in policing.
2、 培養與群眾溝通良好的態度。警察在群眾心目中的形象,很大程度上取決於基層員警在與群眾直接面對面打交道過程中所表現出的態度。因此,建立和完善警方與社會各界良好的公共關係,關鍵要進一步端正一線員警對群眾的態度問題,要引導廣大的基層員警能正確處理好管理與服務的關係,建立起平等交流、尊重人格、嚴格執法、熱情服務的新型警民關係。推行警政便民服務的前提就是要有良好的態度。
Third, create the trustworthy image and the prestige and public reliance through trustworthiness. The main purpose is to eradicate the credit crisis of the police, which poses to the crowd and all circles in the society, and further to mold the police image of affinity to people. There are a variety of effective ways to get close to people. To propagate the image of the civil police through TV shorts is a way worthy of being promoted to create a close relationship between the police and people.
3. 打造誠信形象,以誠信立警威。主要目的是消除人民群眾和社會各界對警察的信用危機,塑造警察機關親民形象。在保持與人民群眾的密切聯繫有許多有效的方式來貼近群眾。採用電視短片的方式來宣傳人民警察的形象很顯然是值得提倡的一種密切警民關係的方式。
Fourth, build up a team of high-quality and strengthen the construction of the police’s regular self-discipline with the advantage of upgrading the quality of the whole team. The communication of the police with all circles in the society can make the police achieve the goal of zero-distance contact between the police and the public.
4. 建立高素質隊伍,加強警察自我訓練的建設,有利於提高隊伍整體素質。警察與社會各階層群眾的溝通,能實現警察與民眾零距離接觸。
Last but not least, "affinity" is a kind of fighting strength. At present, the community policing implemented by the police force is a kind of manifestation of affinity. Once there is affinity, “feedback" will be formed as well. This feedback is a kind of strength produced by the police and citizens together. Only when such kind of strength is created can the police work be achieved successfully.
最後,“親和力”,就是戰鬥力。當前,警察機關實行的社區警政(Community Policing),就是親和力的一種表現形式。有了親和力,就會形成“反饋”。這種反饋就是員警和群眾共同產生的一種力量,有了這種力量,警務工作才能圓滿達成。
41 Mary told the police that her purse was snatched on the street after she was struck on the head. Mary was a victim of _____.
(A) domestic violence (B) sexual assault (C) mugging(D) pickpocket
42 Simply defined, ____ is information that has been analyzed and refined so that it is useful to policymakers in making decisions—specifically, decisions about potential threats to our national security.
(A) intelligence(B) instrument (C) implementation (D) improvement
※詳本中心警察特考三等講義第二單元閱讀部分 ILP (Intelligence-Led Policing) 情資導向警政
43 The Office of _____ at the National Police Agency, led by a head prosecutor, is in charge of the investigation of corruption accusation against police officers.
(A) Inspectors (B) Internal Affairs(C)Investigators (D) Personnel
※詳本中心警察專業英文口袋書 internal affairs investigation 內部事務調查/政風調查
44 DNA ____ or typing is sometimes called DNA fingerprinting because it allows police to identify an individual in the same way as fingerprints do.
(A) sampling (B)shifting (C) profiling(D) proliferating
※詳本中心警察特考三等講義第三單元第23頁鑑識科學相同例句 DNA profiling or typing is
sometimes called DNA fingerprinting because it allows….
45 Local police departments report using computers for a variety of ____ functions, including records management, crime investigation, information sharing, and dispatch.
(A) law enforcement(B) finger printing (C) money laundry (D) cyber bullying
46 The police advise the motorcyclist to have an external lock and have the engine numbers ____ on the motorcycle for greater protection.
(A) engulfed (B) engrossed (C) enhanced (D) engraved
47 Even though Li Fei was caught red-handed at the scene of murder, he remains ____ until proven guilty.
(A) suspicious (B) innocent(C) incurable (D) furious
※詳本中心警察特考三等講義第十三單元 innocent until proven guilty 無罪推定
48 Detective Wang: How much ____ do the kidnappers want?
Detective Lee: They want two million by tomorrow or they will kill the hostage.
(A) ranger (B) rankle (C) random (D) ransom
※詳本中心101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第五句…kidnapped. Someone called…if the ransom…
49 When responding to a domestic violence case, the police can escort the victim to a ____ to ensure the victim’s safety.
(A) safe haven (B) safety net (C) sagacity (D) shelter
50 Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. He is the first African-American to hold the office, while his predecessors are all _____ Americans.
(A) native (B) Republican (C) Caucasian (D) Democratic
歐巴馬是美國第44任總統 他是首位非裔美國人入主白宮然而之前的總統全都是美國白人裔
51 As a foreigner working in Taiwan, I need to apply for an ARC in order to stay here legally. The ARC is:
(A) Authorized Resident Certificate (B) Alien Resident Certificate
(C) Automated Resident Certificate (D) Amateur Resident Certificate
※詳本中心警察特考三等講義第十二單元 How does a foreigner renew an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC)
52 To preserve physiological fluids evidence, ____ hard objects such as guns, rocks, metals, etc. should not be frozen or refrigerated as subsequent condensation may dilute or otherwise impact the fluids evidence on them.
(A) smoldered (B) forensic (C) traumatic (D) stained
為保存流質液體跡證 沾染跡證的硬物例如槍枝 石頭 金屬等 不應冰凍或冷藏 因為隨後的解凍可能稀釋掉或對這些跡證有所影響
原文出處:Seattle Police Department: Policy and Procedure Manual. Seattle Police Department. Feb 1, 2012. Physical Evidence. p.2-2
53 According to the police and procedure manual, in cases where a person is arrested or ____ for assaulting an on-duty or off-duty officer, a sworn supervisor of the rank of lieutenant or above shall be notified.
(A) prohibited (B) obtained (C) detained (D) released
54 In all field situations where more than two officers are present, the senior officer of the first unit at the scene shall be in charge until officially ____.
(A) promoted (B) relieved (C) retired (D) dismayed
原文出處:Seattle Police Department: Policy and Procedure Manual. Seattle Police Department. Feb 1, 2012. Chain of Command. p.1-2
55 Violent crime such as rape is very sensitive by nature and is thus often not reported to authorities for fear of secondary ____.
(A) prosecution (B) forgery (C) parole (D) victimization
※詳本中心警察特考三等講義第五單元 Crime Prevention is the attempt to reduce victimization and to deter…
原文出處: Harrendorf, S., Heiskanen, M., Malby, S. (2010). International Statistics on Crime and. Justice. HEUNI: Helsinki.
56 According to the statistics released by the crime prevention unit, vehicles thought to be stolen are often, in fact, towed due to parking ____ or repossessed due to lack of payment.
(A) violations (B) meters (C) lots (D) services
※詳本中心警察特考三等講義第七單元 Please send a wrecker here to tow it immediately…
原文出處: San Jose Police Department Report a Stolen Vehicle
From the mid-1990s, “intelligence” has increasingly displaced “community” in policing discourses. In the United Kingdom, this has been the case since 1993 when the Audit Commission proposed a new policing model centered on police-informant relationships. Since then, Chief Police Officers have adopted the language of "intelligence-led policing" to describe police services. In essence, intelligence-led policing involves linking together information from a wide range of sources--from open source and publicly available information to that obtained covertly in order to build up a composite picture. This will highlight links between people, objects, locations and events that are essential in supporting the policing purposes described. Identifying these links enables decisions to be made about priorities and resources needed to manage risk.
There was, however, a problem during the latter part of the 1990s when the relationship between intelligence-led and community policing remained unclear. The Home Office and Chief Police Officers touted both simultaneously. As local police units were increasingly empowered to address local problems, Chief Police Officers were also touting an intelligence-led approach that required police to develop and tap into local informant sources. These strategies appeared disparate and even contradictory. The intelligence-led approach seemed appropriate for addressing major cases involving drug trafficking or terrorism whereas many considered community policing to be appropriate for addressing local issues. As a result, constables have generally sustained a reactive style inconsistent with either model.
It was not until the turn of the millennium that the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) proposed the National Intelligence Model (NIM)--a single intelligence-led approach at “nearly” all levels of policing. While there has been some recent discussion of reintegrating community policing and the NIM through neighborhood safety initiatives and the hiring of reassurance police officers in the past half-decade, community policing has taken a secondary role to intelligence-led approaches.
57 What is the main idea of the passage above?
(A) The United Kingdom attempts to introduce the intelligence-led policing approach to the
(B)Linking together information from a wide range of sources is the key to successful