
               四等移民署考猜與翻譯      吳泰良、呂艾肯編輯


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Homeland Security國土安全

intelligence (n) 情資情報

humanitarian (a.) 人道主義的

catastrophe (n.) 大災難 disaster/plague

terrorism (n.) 恐怖主義

integration (n.) 整合

surveillance (n.) 監視

illicit=illegal (a.) 非法的

infrastructure (n.) 基礎建設

resilience (n.) 復原恢復力

destruction (n.) 毀滅破壞

domestic (n.) 國內的家庭的

strategic (a.)策略/ tactic (a.)戰略

attempt (v. n.) 企圖嘗試

hazard (n. v.) 危險物; 冒險

mitigate (v.) 減緩

enhance (v.) 強化




competent (a.) 有法定資格的

deport (v.) 驅逐出境

contraband (n.) 私貨

smuggled goods (ph.) 走私物品

fraud (n.) 詐騙 scam

prohibit (v.)禁止

departure (n.) 出境;離境;起飛

human trafficking (ph.)人口販運

declaration (n.)申報

duty-Free (n.) 免稅

detector (n.) 探測器

nationality (n.) 國籍

implement (v.) 實行

checkpoint (n.) 檢查站

valid (a.) 合法有效的

transnational=cross border跨國的

agreement=treaty 條約協議



Foreign Affairs外事

submit (v.) 提出,繳交

permanent (a.) 永久的

temporal (a.) 暫時臨時的 provisional

process (v. n.) 處理

seal (v. n..) 圖章

extend (v.) 延期

extradite (v.): 引渡 (逃犯)

political asylum (ph.) 政治庇護

naturalization (n.) 歸化

recruit (v.)招募

sweatshop (n.)血汗工廠

abusive (a.)虐待的

reluctant (a.)勉強

intimidation (n.)恐嚇,脅迫

exploitation (n.)剝削

prostitution (n.)賣淫




1.      The example of the Norwegian royal family is used to illustrate that no one is ______D________ from the penalty for drunk driving.              (98司特)

  (A) deported             (B)sued         (C)forged              (D) exempted


2. With the world becoming a “global village”, the reach of organized crime groups is equally true for the narcotics trade, _______C______ in pirated goods and money laundering.                                                  (91司特)

(A) terrific       (B) traceability    (C) trafficking           (D) terrible


3. For the first time in history, the world is fighting a pandemic flu before it becomes

a worldwide ___B___.                                         (98特考)

(A) subterfuge             (B) catastrophe              (C) plight         (D)conflagration


4. How can there be any long-term vision for economy, when there is no complete ____C____.                                                  (91高考)

  (A) administration (B) implementation       (C) infrastructure    (D)application 


5. The Pentagon intends for robots to haul munitions, gather ___C___, search

buildings or blow them up.                                                    (94外交特考)

(A) intelligent              (B) intangible                (C) intelligence  (D) intellect  


6. Three key concepts form the general foundation for a comprehensive approach to homeland security going forward: security, ___A___, and customs and exchange. (QHSR國土安全報告2010 Feb)

(A) resilience       (B) lethality             (C) disruptive       (D) emergency


7. The snow accumulation on the roads makes driving an extreme __D__ for people rushing to work in the morning.                                  (100警四)

(A)       impose            (B)enact                (C) inspection               (D) hazard


8. Government decides to sign an economic cooperation framework agreement with

China, while there are a lot of people that oppose the ___A____.     (98高師大碩班)

  (A) treaty                    (B) trigger                      (C) threat                 (D) treatise


9. An incoming passenger, who fails to declare or makes a false or incomplete declaration on the quantity of dutiable goods in his/her possession which are in excess of the ____C____ concessions, is liable to prosecution.        (99特考翻譯)

    (A) durable     (B) duration      (C) duty-free       (D) duplicate


10. At first he was ___B___ to help me, but in the end he gave me a hand

      willingly. (96警四)

    (A)       suspicious        (B)   reluctant                  (C) anxious      (D) negative 


11. The driver was asked to show his car registration at a police ___B____.   (96司三)

(A) officer      (B) checkpoint   (C) sidewalk       (D) stop 



1.      Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.    (14th Amendment of the United States Constitution )




2.      The economic rights holder may license others to exploit the work. The territory, term, method of exploitation, and general particulars of the license shall be as stipulated by the parties.

著作財產權人得授權他人利用著作,其授權利用之地域、時間、利用方法或一般事項,依當事人之約定                                  (著作權法)



3.      Taiwan’s ally countries have signed the Extradition Law agreement between each other in order to extradite criminals back to their original countries and also respect the jurisdiction sovereignty.





4.      The police make every effort to stamp out the illicit trade of human trafficking through tight cooperation between international law-enforcement organizations.

警方透過與國際性執法機構緊密的合作來全力遏止非法人口走私及販賣      (97專英)



5.      Most foreign tourists maybe sojourn, transit just for temporary entry instead of planning for the permanent residency for naturalization.




6.      The requirement of reasonableness in the gathering of evidence or contraband by law enforcement agencies has been the subject of much litigation.

執法機關在收集證據或違禁品上要有合理的需求,已成為許多訴訟中的主題。                                           (95警碩外事)



7.      An Australian man was granted an amnesty by the King of Thailand, released from prison early and deported back to Australia.  (97警大二技)




8.      The arrival and departure time on your ticket should be fairly accurate, but there are sometimes unforeseen delays due to weather, etc.           (100關務三等翻譯)




9.      Government, international organizations and civil society are devoting considerable efforts to counter human trafficking, but there is still an information deficit about the extent of this tragedy.





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