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根據考選部命題大綱,三等專業英文與憲法併科考試。英文的題型分為20題1.25分選擇題、兩句10分中翻英短句翻譯與15分120-200字的作文。在有限的兩小時的時間內,時間分配上仍需留下10分鐘做檢查,所以60題選擇題與非選擇題部分則需在剩餘的110分鐘內作答完畢。筆者建議憲法40題選擇題最好能在45分鐘內作答完畢,剩下65分鐘內若翻譯的句子難度不變,建議以5-10分鐘的時間完成兩句中翻英的短句。剩下20題選擇題(包括一篇閱讀測驗或克漏字)則在25分鐘內完成。而作文則先花5分鐘擬出中文表達句子,再用7-10分鐘時間將之轉為文法正確的英文套上制式的英文作文模組。剩下12分鐘內再填上答案紙並將轉換的英文添加一些句型與例子。最後的3分鐘則檢查時態、單複數與動詞結構。在修改同學的作文當中很常見的就是句中沒有關代子句的狀況下出現兩個動詞,此大忌是搞亂整個句子的結構,千萬小心。字彙部分,今年學運的街頭抗議(protest)、群眾集聚(assembly)衍生鎮暴(riot)裁量權(discretion)的討論,抑或是北捷持刀(knife-wielding)激進(radical)殺人(murderous stabbing spree on the MRT)等等此類的相關新聞單字請同學注意一下。作文最好可以先擬一篇有關民主與法治之類題目的內容。以上則是給予各位考生的一些建議希望能對您有幫助。最後,也祝各位一切順利,金榜題名。
新聞英文重要單字 |
國內新聞重要單字 |
警察士氣 |
Police morale |
公投 |
referendum |
電子收費系統 |
electronic toll collection (ETC) |
反貪腐 |
anti-graft |
爆料者 |
黃色小鴨 |
rubber/ yellow duck |
專案小組 |
task force |
集會、聚眾 |
rally |
靜坐抗議 |
Sit-in |
抗議 |
Demonstration/ protest |
鎮暴警察 |
Riot police |
驅散與驅離 |
Dispersion & eviction |
國賠 |
National compensation |
關說 |
influence peddling |
檢察總長 |
Prosecutor-General |
假處分 |
provisional injunction |
特偵組(SPO) |
Special Investigation Division |
監聽 |
Wiretapping/ eavesdropping |
人工原料/香精 |
artificial ingredient/ flavoring |
都(市)更(新) |
Urban renewal |
土地徵收 |
expropriation |
折磨虐待 |
Torture & abuse |
吊扣與吊銷 |
Suspension & revocation |
戶政登記 |
Household Registration |
侵犯人身自由 |
infringe on personal liberty |
妨礙公務 |
interference with public functions |
國際新聞重要單字 |
服務貿易協定 |
service trade pact |
兩岸經濟合作協議 |
Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA) |
經濟制裁 |
Economic sanction |
政治庇護 |
Political asylum |
劫船、飛機 |
hijack |
兩岸 |
Cross-strait |
人質 |
hostage |
南非種族隔離 |
Apartheid |
動亂 |
unrest/ clash |
最後通牒 |
ultimatum |
match-fixing scandal 打假球醜聞 |
Malefactor 罪犯; 壞人 |
avian influenza = bird flu |
禽流感 ; aviation航空 |
Bomber 炸彈客 |
conspiracy theory/ scheme/ plot 陰謀論 |
unscrupulous 無操守不道德的 |
1. A stab on a bus between students from a vocational school in Yunlin County came in the wake of the killing spree by a knife-wielding man on Taipei’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system on May 21 fueling rumors about “a copycat incident of the Taipei MRT killer in Yunlin County,” with some claiming the “attacker was found to be carrying four knives.” 緊隨在五月21號台北捷運持刀(knife-wielding)濫殺事件後,發生雲林縣高職學 生在公車上的刺傷案件,有些關於”模仿北捷案的案件在雲林發生”、宣稱”發 現犯案者攜帶四把刀子”這類火上加油/加油添醋的傳言。 2. National Police Agency (NPA) Director-General Wang Cho-chiun (王卓鈞) yesterday said that the police force is experiencing a manpower shortage, especially now that a large number of officers have been deployed to stations and trains on Taipei’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system in response to last week’s stabbings on an MRT car. 警政署長王卓鈞昨日表示,警方正面臨人力短缺問題,尤其是為因應上週捷運車廂內的刺殺案件,目前大量警力部署到北捷的車站和列車上。 3. Policemen guard outside a railway station after an attack by knife wielding men left some 27 people dead in Kunming, in southwestern China's Yunnan province, Saturday March 1, 2014. China's official Xinhua News Agency says authorities consider the attack by a group of knife-wielding assailants at a train station in southwestern China in which at least 27 people died to be an act of terrorism. 在2014年5月1號中國西南地區雲南省昆明車站發生數名持刀分子攻擊使27人 喪命後,警察在車站外警戒。中國官方新華社表示,當局認為此攻擊是由一群 持刀襲擊者在中國西南地區火車站,所造成至少有27人死亡的恐怖主義行為。
1. patrol officer 巡警 2. plainclothes officer 便衣警察 l 有關警察的組織與身分: (1) undercover policeman 臥底警察 (2) riot police 鎮暴警察 (3) officer-in-charge 承辦警員 (4) police chief 警察局長 (5) Major Crime Squad 重案組 (6) substation 派出所同 local police station (7) precinct 分局 l 警察任務相關片語: (1) bring...to justice/trial 將……繩之以法 (2) maintain public order 維護治安 (3) battle/fight/combat crime 打擊犯罪 (4) deter crime 遏止犯罪 (5) enforce the law 執法 (6) crack/break a case 破案 (7) stick to one’s gun 堅守原則,不屈服外界壓力 l 警民合作片語: (1) report to the police 報警 (2) register with the police 跟警方報備 (3) tip off the police 提供線報給警方 同 give the police a tip-off l 罪犯相關片語: (1) plead guilty 俯首認罪 (2) turn oneself in to the police 自首 同 give oneself up to the police (3) turn sb. in 舉發某人 (4) be under/in (police) custody 被拘留 同 be taken into custody (5) put sb. in jail/in prison/behind bars 將某人關入監獄;監禁某人 (6) be found guilty/convicted of + N 被宣判…… |