l 堅強的波士頓是為回應波士頓馬拉松爆炸而喊出的口號。
波士頓馬拉松爆炸案- 獨狼式攻擊對於國土安全之威脅
單字/片語 |
詞性 |
中譯 |
1. |
go off |
(ph.) |
make a sudden noise 爆炸響聲 |
2. |
spectator |
(n.) |
an observer of an event. 目擊者 |
3. |
take over |
(a.) |
take the ownership or control of接管;接收 |
4. |
surveillance |
(n.) |
Close observation of a person or group監視 |
5. |
initiate |
(v.) |
to set going by taking the first step開始 |
6. |
unprecedented |
(a.) |
Having no previous example 無先例的,空前的 |
7. |
rescind |
(v.) |
cancel or repeal a law, contract, etc 取消, 廢除或撤消 |
8. |
apprehend |
(v.) |
to take into custody 逮捕 |
9. |
mastermind |
(n.) |
person who plans a complex project 主謀 |
10. |
extremist |
(n.) |
One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm, especially in politics. 極端分子 |
11. |
radicalize |
(v.) |
to make a person, or system more radical使激進 |
12. |
affiliate |
(n.) |
an establishment associated with another as a subordinate 成員,分支機構 |
13. |
malicious |
(a.) |
deliberately harmful; spiteful惡意的 |
On April 15, 2013, two bombs 1.went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 2.spectators/civilians and wounding more than 260 other people.
civilian |
(n.) |
a person following the pursuits of normal life. 平民(非政府軍隊人民) |
(Syn.) |
inhabitant |
(Ant.) |
alien |
字根 |
civ=citizen, 表”公民” |
98 預官 |
Almost all of the people at the meeting were in civilian clothes. Few were wearing uniforms. 所有大部分與會人士都穿著市井小民的衣物。幾乎沒人穿著制服。 |
96 警大 博班 |
We need the police in order to have a _____ society. (A) wild (B) untamed (C) civilized (D) fierce |
中譯: 我們需要警方來維持一個文明社會 解析: (A) 狂野的 (B) 未經馴養的 (C) 文明開化的 (D) 猛烈的 |
ÿ 兩次爆炸案發生地點。
- 爆炸案中殘留下的慢跑鞋。令人鼻酸的是上面寫著情有獨鍾,心有所屬。
The FBI 3.took over the investigation and, on April 18, released photographs and a 4.surveillance video of two suspects. Shortly after the FBI released identifying images publicly, the suspects killed an MIT policeman, carjacked a SUV, and 5.initiated an exchange of gunfire with the police in nearby Watertown. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot several times in the firefight and his brother subsequently ran him over with the stolen SUV in his escape. Tamerlan died shortly after arriving at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital.
聯邦調查局立刻3.接手調查此案,並在18號公布兩名嫌犯的相片與4.監視器拍到影像。在FBI公開發出嫌犯辨識圖不久後,兩名嫌犯在麻省理工學院(MIT)殺害了一名警察並劫走一台休旅車(sport-utility vehicle)並在水鎮(Watertwon)附近與警方5.展開交火。其中Tamerlan在槍戰中身中數槍,隨後其胞弟更在逃脫過程中開著偷來的休旅車輾過他。Tamerlan再送達波士頓Beth Israel醫院後,很快地就傷重不治。(註一)
surveillance |
(n.) |
Close observation of a person or group監視 |
(Syn.) |
eavesdrop |
(Ant.) |
字根 |
sur-= over 表”超過,在上面” |
103 警大2技 |
The police kept the suspect under ______. (A) surveillance (B) violation (C) service (D) attack (E) prevention |
中譯:警方一直在監視嫌犯。 解析:(A)監視 (B)違反 (C)服務 (D)攻擊 (E)預防 |
(註一): 不怕神一樣的對手,就怕豬一樣的隊友。
l 掩護我(Cover me)!不是叫你蓋住(cover)我 (請點選此張圖觀看影片內容!)
l 這張圖片中坐輪椅的這位是在爆炸案中倖存的幸運兒Jeff Bauman ,左邊是紅襪隊前投手Pedro Martinez, 右邊這位則是救他逃出生天的Carlos Arredondo。但點擊圖片後的新聞,則是另一位逃過爆炸案的幸運兒最終還是逃不過死神的追緝。
An 6.unprecedented and intense manhunt that shut down the Boston area was enforced on April 19. Around 6:00 p.m., shortly after the "shelter-in-place" advisory was 7.rescinded, a Watertown resident discovered Dzhokhar hiding in a boat in his back yard. Located within the boat by thermal imaging, the suspect was shot while in the boat, 8.apprehended, and then taken to a hospital shortly thereafter.
thermal |
(a.) |
close observation of a person or group熱的, 燙的, 熱量的 |
(Syn.) |
caloric |
(Ant.) |
cold |
字根 |
therm=heat,表示”熱 thermometer n. 溫度計 |
96 警大研究 |
In so holding, the Court distinguished Kyllo v. United States, in which it held that the use of thermal imaging to detect a detail of the interior of a home not otherwise knowable was a search. |
中譯:抱持如此態度,法院判別Kyllo訴美國案中,懷著使用熱成像儀探測家庭內部細節在未告知下仍算是一種搜索行為的看法。 |
- 補充: 新聞報導熱顯像儀的圖片與新聞 (請點選圖片觀看)
- 這位女士高舉著”我們堅強到打倒不了我們的! 相信波士頓!” 的標語~
During an initial interrogation in the hospital, Dzhokhar alleged that Tamerlan was the 9.mastermind. He said (that) they were motivated by 10.extremist Islamist beliefs and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that they were 11.self-radicalized and unconnected to any outside terrorist groups. According to him, they learned to build explosive devices from an online magazine of the al-Qaeda 12.affiliate in Yemen. On April 22, while still in the hospital, he was 13.indicted on 30 charges relating to homegrown terrorism, including use of a weapon of mass destruction and 14.malicious destruction of property resulting in death. He was found guilty on all charges on April 8, 2015, and the following month was 15.sentenced to death.
- 巴士頓馬拉松爆炸案被定義成獨狼式恐怖攻擊,此情況越來越受到各國重視,請點擊照片參考另一篇有關獨狼式攻擊文章
l 炸彈客被宣判有罪並被判死刑,美國的廢死團體人士馬上出來討戰。最左邊寫著”死刑是種謀殺”左二則是”死刑使我們全體變得毫無人性”。另外還有一張圖在最最最左邊則是寫著”Killing can’t stop killing”殺死他們是無法終止殺戮的。
l 即便是棒球場上爭得你死我活的兩大世仇隊伍紐約洋基隊與波士頓紅襪隊,在遭遇這樣的事件,洋基隊所表現的是站在一起的兄弟情誼。
1. 警方調查後發動有無令狀逮捕,並初步舉發(accuse)罪名,
2. 檢察官決定起訴(prosecute)與正式罪名(charge) ,
3. 大陪審團(grand jury)或法官檢查相關證據決定起訴(indict)與否,
4. 進入司法程序(trial),陪審團判定(verdict),法官判定(convict)是否有罪(guilty or acquitted),
5. 法官判刑(sentence)。
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〝警察英文 呂艾肯老師〞