Why are you guys so anti dictators? Imagine if America is a dictatorship.

1. You could let 1% people have all the nation’s wealth. Help the rich get richer by cutting taxes and bailing   

    them out when they gamble and lose.

2. You can ignore the need of poor for health care and education.

3. Your media would appear free but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family.

4. You would wiretap the phones and torture foreign prisoners.

5. You could have rigged elections.

6. You could lie about why you go to the war.

7. You could use media to scare the people into supporting policies that are against their interests.

I know it is hard for you Americans to imagine, but please to try.


為何你們要抵制獨裁者? 想像要是讓美國成為獨裁主義的話...就可以讓百分之1的人掌握全國的財富可以用減稅來幫助有錢人讓它們更有錢,並在它們豪賭輸光光了後出錢幫忙紓困...管他窮人對健保和受教權的需求...媒體可以做到看來是自由公正的但私底下卻可以是由一個人和他的家族掌控...竊聽電話和刑求外國犯人...操弄選舉...對於發動戰爭講出一堆謊話...可以利用媒體恫嚇人民來擁護不利於他們的政策...我知道這對你們美國人來說很難以想像,但請試試看


                                                                                                                                                                                                     cited from “dictator” 摘自"大獨裁者落難記"



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