
Taipei Times - Aug/2nd /2013

By Shih Hsiu-chuan, Chris Wang, Tang Chia-ling and Jake Chung  /  Staff reporters, with staff writer


The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday said it would push through the proposed referendum it initiated on the fate of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in a vote scheduled for today, but the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus said it would do whatever it takes to block the proposal.


If the proposal passes, a national plebiscite would be have to be held within six months on the question: Do you agree that the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant should be halted and that it not become operational

假若通過提案,公投必須在 “你是否同意核四廠停止興建不得運轉” 此題目下6個月內舉行。

In order to boycott the vote, DPP lawmakers late yesterday afternoon chained and locked the door to the legislative chamber from inside in a bid to prevent Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) from entering to open today’s session.


Meanwhile, former DPP chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) issued a press release urging the public to support efforts to block the referendum proposal and for the DPP to make an all-out effort to safeguard the core party value of a nuclear-free nation.


A nuclear-free homeland is listed as a national goal in the Basic Environment Act (環境基本法), but President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration is trying to take advantage of the high threshold required for a national referendum to manipulate the result, she said. “The Ma administration’s manipulation aims to deceive the people and is an insult to Taiwan’s democracy.”


Calling for the legislature to completely halt work on the plant, a number of civic groups, including the Taiwan Environmental Protection Union (TEPU), the Humanistic Education Foundation, the Taiwan Association of University Professors and the Green Citizen Action Alliance, said they plan to stage a sit-in in front of the legislature today.


However, KMT lawmakers were warned in a meeting on Wednesday evening that they risked being fined and punished by the party if they did not vote in support of the proposal. President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), in his role as KMT chairman, and Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) attended the meeting.


KMT Legislator Wu Yu-sheng (吳育昇) said earlier this week that the party should consider pushing the referendum through the extra session if the government promises that ongoing safety tests at the plant can be completed in six months.

Wu had won support from more than 50 KMT lawmakers for the idea, but his colleagues backtracked after Wednesday’s meeting.


At a press conference at the KMT caucus office, Wu Yu-jen (吳玉珍), who leads the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ office in charge of the plant project, yesterday said the government will continue rigorous testing at the plant to ensure its safe operation regardless of when a referendum on the plant’s future is held.


Atomic Energy Council Deputy Minister Chou Yuan-ching (周源卿) dismissed concerns that the council’s inspectors are inexperienced and could not ensure the safe operation of a nuclear power plant.


Lin Tsung-yao (林宗堯), a former member of the commission’s Fourth Nuclear Power Plant Safety Monitoring Committee, wrote a paper listing what he said were a number of safety issues that have plagued the nuclear power plant and could lead to the facility failing to meet required safety standards.





caucus [ˋkɔ:kəs]  (n. v.) (政黨等)核心小組;

l  黨團小組常要開會講很多開會很久所以-“口渴死


referendum [͵rɛfəˋrɛndəm] (n.) 公民投票

A national referendum on nuclear power was decided in favor of discontinuing the program.全國公民投票已經決定停止核電計劃。


plebiscite [ˋplɛbə͵saɪt] (n.) 公民投票

halt [hɔlt] (v.) 暫停; 中止    Ant: mount 發動      喝的讓他-停止


quit        指最後將停止某事,有時意指受到失敗挫折而不得已中斷。


in a bid to  努力試圖


threshold  [ˋθrɛʃhold] (n.) 門檻; 起點

l  hold的住是打擊(thresh)門檻-threshold”


manipulate [məˋnɪpjə͵let] (v.) 操弄; 手腳      

l  手多(mani=many )(pul=pull)個幾次就知道怎樣操作

The American lexicographer attempted to ___40___ a number of spelling reforms. Noah Webster’s efforts were part of a long history of attempts to reform the quirky English orthography.                                                                                                    (1003)

(A)   acquire              (B) constitute          (C) institute             (D) manipulate



sit-in  靜坐抗議

Teachers held a ______ about their unfair teaching environment.                  (1012)

(A) seat    (B) sit-across    (C) sit-up         (D) sit-tight      (E) sit-in



backtrack [ˋbæk͵træk] (v.) 退卻; 變卦; 原路返回

l  退回(back)原來的軌道(track)


in charge of 負責


plague [pleg] (n. v.) 瘟疫; 天災人禍; 使受災禍

l  補那個災害

From there the plague passed into Sweden, Denmark, Prussia, Iceland, and as far as Greenland. Leaving a strange pocket of immunity in Bohemia and Russia un-attacked until 1351, it had passed from most of Europe by the mid-1350s.                                                 (1023)



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