Mon, Aug 26, 2013 By Rich Chang / Staff reporter
UNDER EXAMINATION: The bakery chairman and two financial officers from its head office were questioned overnight. They were released yesterday without bail
調查中: 胖達人麵包店董事長與總辦公室兩名財務人員漏夜偵訊。昨日訊後請回
The Taipei Prosecutors’ Office yesterday searched a Top Pot Bakery shop in Taipei and questioned staff as part of the probe into the Taipei City Government’s claim that the bakery uses artificial flavorings in its baked goods.
Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) on Saturday described the Top Pot Bakery chain’s use of artificial flavoring in its baked goods as “fraud,” and said his administration would report the case to prosecutors for investigation.
Taipei prosecutors on Saturday evening searched Top Pot Bakery’s head office, seized accounting books and other documents, and summoned chairman Hsu Hsun-ping (徐洵平), general manager Hsu Chih-hung (徐志鴻) and two financial officers for questioning.
The interviews lasted through the night and prosecutors announced the four were released without bail yesterday morning.
Prosecutors yesterday morning directed Taipei police officers to search a Top Pot Bakery shop on Dunhua S Rd, seizing material. Shop staff and several bread makers were summoned for questioning by prosecutors. They were allowed to leave with bail later in the day.
The bakery, which advertised that all of its breads were made with natural ingredients, admitted last week that it used edible flavoring essences in its products.
Taipei City’s Department of Health fined the company NT$180,000 on Friday for violating Articles 28 and 45 of the Food Sanitation Act (食品衛生管理法) by running deceptive and misleading advertisements.
Hau, who is also a food science expert, yesterday condemned the bakery chain for deceiving customers who purchased expensive breads believing them to be made with only fresh and natural ingredients.
Since opening its first store last year, the bakery has built its name on appealing to those wishing to eat only natural ingredients.
release [rɪ'lɪːs] n.v. 解放; 赦免; 豁免; 發行 Syn: liberate, relinquish
Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless birds, the game, angry bird was first released for Apple’s mobile operating system in December 2009. (101指考)
probe [prəʊb] v.n. 探針, 探測針, 調查 Syn: explore, investigate
The journalist was probing into several financial scandals.
artificial [ɑːtɪ'fɪʃl] a. 人工人造的; 矯揉造作不自然的 Syn: synthetic, simulated
Engineers began researching basic and affordable artificial intelligence, creating minibots that sense light, sounds, and pressure. (93指考)
flavoring ['fleɪvərɪŋ] n.v. 調味品; 調味 Syn: seasoning
Making matters worse, the artificial butter substitute that generally comes with microwavable popcorn contains a common food-flavoring substance. (100統測)
describe [dɪ'skraɪb] n. 描寫; 形容; 記述 Syn: narrate, recite, recount, rehearse
To enjoy the wonderful flavor of what has been described as an earthly jewel, you must eat fresh, uncooked specimens shortly after they have been harvested. (100指考)
investigation [ɪn‚vestɪ'geɪʃn] n. 調查; 研究 Syn: inquiring
No one knows how the fire broke out. The police have started an investigation into the cause of it. (98指考)
ingredient [ɪn'grɪːdɪənt] n. 成分; 因素 Syn: component, element
The organic food products are made of natural ingredients, with no artificial flavors added.
有機食物產品均採用天然成分,並無添加人工香料。 (93學測)
violate ['vaɪəleɪt] v. 違犯, 冒犯, 褻瀆 Syn: infringe, trespass
However, when students download and share copyrighted music without permission, they are violating the law. (98指考)
sanitation [sænɪ'teɪʃn] n. 公共環境衛生; 下水道設施; 衛生盥洗設備
On December 28th last year, the New York City sanitation department offered people a new way to bid farewell to 2007. (97指考)
purchase [ˋpɝtʃəs]n.v.購買, 價值; 購買; 用起重裝置舉起; 贏得 Syn: buy, shop
Since then, over 12 million copies of the game have been purchased from Apple’s App Store.
從那時候開始,憤怒鳥這款遊戲已經在蘋果的手機軟體商店裡被採購了超過一千兩百萬份副本。 (101指考)
u Fraud 詐欺
u Seize 扣押
u Summon 傳喚
u Essence 基本; 香精; 萃取物
u Deceptive 欺騙的
u Appeal 吸引
不管是在指考、學測、統測或警察考試中,飲食一直是各類考試的重點,因此,此類新聞出現時,需多加留意相關單字。以此篇新聞為例,人工香料” artificial flavoring ”就是重點單字。而在警專今年的考題則是出現了塑化劑” plasticizer”單字。
The food company is recalling several dairy products for they have been with ________ plasticizer.
(A) contaminated (B) accommodated (C) accelerated (D) constructed
(A) 污染; 毒害(B)容納; 使適應相符 (C) 促使; 增長 (D) 構成
此答案請參照本中心講義第31頁,單字infect的同義字contaminate, communicate。
另需注意的是污染產品也有tainted products的說法。