今年的警大二技英文題目分成 (一)字彙、(二)會話、(三)文法、(四)綜合測驗、(五)閱讀測驗,五大題組。其中有幾個需要注意的出題方向我在以下列述:
第一部分: 字彙
此部分共十題,出題還是秉持著警察專業英文的方向,這也是一個非常不錯的方向,畢竟只要掌握了關鍵的警用單字,就能夠輕鬆地選出答案來。比較需要注意的是extradition引渡(ex=out; dit=give)這個單字,算是蠻高頻率(104年外事研究所、103研究所共同科目英文、95年研究所共同科目英文)又符合時事的單字。所以不管是考警大二技或警察三等的同學都要注意。老師說不定改一改就考去相關的驅逐出境(deport; de=away)或遣返(repatriate; re=back)。另外答題技巧只要不是有關警察專業英文單字先不予考慮此選項,這樣答題會快一點。
第二部分: 會話
此部分也是十題,以我看來這個部分是所有題組裡最為簡單的部分,但是還是要小心,有些太過口語的回答真的會忽略掉,像keep finger corssed for SB,為他人祈求好運,又或是像French leave這種中古時期禮貌式的不告而別等等…,都是需要一些生活經驗的累積,我的建議是,多看一些美國影集吧,既能讓你多了解一些西方文化,也可以讓你多了解一些英文用法。譬如GOP的代表是大象是紅色,創黨的元老之一是林肯總統的有錢人岳父、民主黨是象徵耐力的驢子。這些都可以是聊天的一些話題,讓你在人群中看來較為博學多聞阿。所以Click the link, and start your journey~
第三部分: 文法
第四部份: 綜合測驗
共兩大題,每一大題各五小題。克漏字永遠是答題者的痛,可以考的東西太多元了。我會建議多注意分詞的方面,動詞答題時,多為Ving(表主動、進行) ,Vp.p.(表被動、已發生)這兩種去選擇,可能性會比較高。不信? 那31題跟37題,主被動一選就知~
第五部分: 閱讀測驗
第一篇是有關於射擊技巧用槍要領的文章,第二篇則是有關於警方並非主要職責在逮捕犯人的文章。第一篇跟第二篇都是出自於 Peterson’ 出版的Master the Police Officer Exam這本書,有興趣的同學可以上網訂購。
1.本科試題共50題,均為單一選擇題(答案卡上第51至80題空著不用)。 2.每題後面所列的五個備選答案,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的,請將正確或最適當的答案選出,然後用2B鉛筆,在答案卡上同一題號答案位置的長方格範圍塗黑。答對者每題得2分;答錯者倒扣1/4題分;不答者以零分計。 |
一、字彙:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20分)
1. It is assumed that the police are the special _____________ of the citizens’ liberties and the community’s tranquility.
(A) gardeners 園丁
(B) amateurs 業餘者
(C) guardians 守護者
(D) gangsters 歹徒
(E) colleagues 同事
中譯: 警方是市民自由與社區安寧的特殊守護者是想當然爾的。
* 請注意像batman此類非官方的秩序維護者在英文中是用vigilante [vɪdʒɪ'læntɪ]
2. The kidnapper demanded a(an) _____________ of 200,000 US dollars for freeing the hostage.
(A) surcharge 附加費用
(B) compensation 補償
(C) wage 工資
(D) ransom 贖金
(E) income 收入
中譯: 綁匪要求20萬美金的贖金才來釋放人質。
- 留意(A)選項的字首 sur-表示”超過,在上面”
- (B)選項可能考題為claim national compensation 申請國賠
3. Police Officer Helen Huang is ___________ traffic at a busy intersection when she sees two men fighting on the sidewalk about half a block away.
(A) directing 指示
(B) waving 揮舞
(C) making 使
(D) leading 引領
(E) taking 以
中譯: 當員警黃海倫看見兩名男子在半條街遠的人行道上爭吵時,她正在繁忙的十字路口指揮交通。
4. While working an 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ________ on May 24, 2015, Police Officers Tsai and Lin received a radio call at 1:50 p.m. to investigate a report of a man with a gun in front of 56 Suren Avenue.
(A) job 工作
(B) shift 工作班次時間
(C) task 任務
(D) work 工作
(E) turn 回合機會
中譯: 2015年5月24日,當時正值上午8點到下午4點班的蔡姓與林姓員警於下午1點50分收到無線電通報,要他們去調查Suren大道56號前有位持槍男子的報案。
- 美國警方案件通報碼Police code :man with gun" 是 10-32
所以這件Hoodie帽T (很多罪犯都喜歡穿這類服裝)才會這樣設計
- (C)選項留意task force 專案小組此名詞片語
- ( E)選項 It's your turn輪到你了 口語表達方式
5. Signing a(an) ______________ treaty with a country may deter a criminal’s possible overseas fleeing.
(A) settlement 結算
(B) commerce 商務貿易
(C) penalty 罰則
(D) negotiation 協商
(E) extradition 引渡
中譯: 與他國簽署引渡條款也許能遏止罪犯有機會往海外的逃亡。
* 請注意: deport 驅逐出境 (離開該國)
extradite 引渡 (兩國間協議)
repatriate 遣返 (送回其母國或其出發地)
6. The civilians __________ the former mayor of taking bribes.
(A) conspired 密謀
(B) acquired 收購
(C) devoted 投入
(D) accused 指控
(E) impounded 扣押
中譯: 民眾指控前任市長收受賄絡。
- (E) 選項注意 vehicle impoundment 車輛扣押
7. Courts can not exclude eyewitness ____________ from a trial. Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime.
(A) apparel 服裝
(B) plea 認罪
(C) program 程序
(D) lineup 辨識隊伍
(E) testimony 證詞
中譯: 法庭無法在審判中排除目擊者證詞。有時它是某罪刑的唯一證據。
(B)plea bargain 認罪協商
(D) ID Lineup
8. The lawyer is going to __________ to a higher court next week in order to help his client who has been suspected of being involved in a murder case.
(A) sentence 句子;判刑
(B) appeal 吸引力; 訴求
(C) assist 幫助
(D) outgo 支出項目
(E) notify 通知
中譯: 該律師打算下週向高等法院提出上訴,來協助目前一直被懷疑牽涉一宗謀殺案的客戶。
9. Human ______________ is a form of modern slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others.
(A) trafficking 販運
(B) traffic 交通
(C) transportation 運輸工具
(D) transport 運輸
(E) immigration 移民
中譯: 人口販運是當代奴隸制的一種型式,有些人從中控制並剝削他人中而獲利。
10. With CCTV security systems, police are now keeping the area under constant _______________.
(A) care 護理
(B) suppression 鎮壓制
(C) surveillance 監視
(D) change 變化
(E) resolution 決心議
中譯: 有了監視監控系統,警察現在將此區域納入不間斷的監控下。
二、會話:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20分)
11. Police: Excuse me, sir. ______________________________
Driver: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see any traffic signs.
(A) Why didn’t you wear a safety helmet?
(B) Here you are. You couldn’t care less.
(C) Didn’t you know it’s a one-way street? You shouldn’t drive in.
(D) How come you did this!
(E) What is the make of your car?
12. Bicyclist: Excuse me, officer. My bike isn’t working well. Could you help me with it?
Police: No problem. I’ll check and see if I can ____________________ it.
(A) get along with
(B) take care of
(C) be interested in
(D) keep in touch with
(E) get rid of
13. Officer Liu: How have you been?
Officer Su: ______________________
(A) I am a sergeant.
(B) We have been together for one year.
(C) Not much.
(D) So … what brings you here?
(E) Haven’t we met before?
(C)沒啥不同啊。(老樣子 Nothing special)
14. Officer Lee: Hey, Jane. I don’t have a pen with me. Can I use yours?
Officer Wang: _________________________
(A) Anything is O.K. with me.
(B) Sure. Go ahead.
(C) I am glad to hear that.
(D) Count me in.
(E) I am with you all the way.
(B)當然可以。 拿去。
15. Foreigner: Excuse me. How can I get to your office to apply for my police criminal record certificate? Can I take the bus?
Duty officer: If you are not considering taking the MRT, you can take bus 236.
Foreigner: How often does the bus leave for your office?
Duty Officer: _________________________.
(A) Early in the morning
(B) Twenty minutes later
(C) It runs always
(D) In ten minutes
(E) Every half an hour
老外:抱歉。要怎樣才能到你們的辦公室來申請我的良民證呢? 我能搭巴士嗎?
16. A: I am going to take the test for the police academy this Sunday, and I am feeling so nervous.
B: Take it easy! I will ____________________.
A: Thanks. I hope that I can pass the exam successfully.
(A) search high and low for it
(B) count you in
(C) make it up
(D) keep my fingers crossed for you
(E) be on the safe side
B方:別緊張! 我會 ____________________。
17. Officer Chen: I understand most terminologies in police English, but I’m too dumb to know how to use them.
Officer Tsai: _______________________
(A) I can relate (to that).
(B) That’s great.
(C) I am very proud of you.
(D) I hate when that happens.
(E) Tell me about it.
18. Duty Officer: Hello, Officer Shen speaking. May I help you?
Foreigner: I’ve lost my wallet and traveler’s checks. I’d like to report a pickpocketing.
Duty Officer: _________________________ Your name, please.
(A) Don’t be afraid of. You should have been more careful.
(B) Don’t worry! That’s a piece of cake.
(C) Don’t panic! We will do our best to help you.
(D) That’s not a big deal.
(E) Someone must have picked your pocket.
19. Foreigner: Hello. This is Stella Jobs. May I speak to Officer Chiang?
Duty Officer: Excuse me, ma’am. Officer Chiang is currently ______________. Would you like to leave him a message?
(A) taking French leave
(B) skipping the duty
(C) leaving us alone
(D) leaving behind
(E) on business leave
值日官:對不起,小姐。蔣姓員警目前______________。 你要不要留言給他?
(B)翹班曠職 (AWOL= Absent Without Official Leave)
(C)不要理我們 (同: 妳走開)
20. Foreigner: Officer Chiu, I really appreciate what you have done for me.
Officer Chiu: You’re welcome. _____________________________
(A) I am just doing my business.
(B) I am just doing my job.
(C) I am just doing my things.
(D) I am just doing my mission.
(E) I am just doing my responsibility.
邱姓員警:不客氣。 _____________________________
三、文法:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20分)
21. Our commander is so picky about fruits that he only eats three kinds of them. One is watermelon, another is pineapple, and guava.
(A) some is
(B) the other is
(C) the others are
(D) the another is
(E) others are
中譯: 我們大隊長是很挑水果吃,以至於他只吃3種。一種是西瓜,另一種是鳳梨,而剩下那一種是芭樂。
口訣: 有完沒完(了˙ㄌㄜ ),沒完沒 ㄇㄟˊ 了 ㄌ一ㄠˇ (不是了)
解析: 三種水果,一種是…另一種是…剩下那一種(講完了,所以要加the)是….
用法 |
兩者 |
●+○ |
One 一個 |
the other 另一個 |
兩者以上 |
●+○○○ |
One 一個 |
the others 其餘的 |
三者 |
●+○+◇ |
One 一個 |
another 一個 |
the other 剩下那個 |
超過三者 |
●+○+◇+ @ |
One 一個 |
another 一個 |
the others 其餘的 |
許多的 |
●●●+○○○ |
some of 一些 |
the others 其餘的 |
許多的 |
●●●+○◇◇ |
Some 有些 |
others 有些.... (特定範圍- 可數名詞) |
22. When a criminal is arrested, he or she has the option to remain .
(A) silence
(B) silent
(C) silently
(D) silenced
(E) silencing
中譯: 當罪犯被逮捕時,他或她有保持沉默的選擇。
S + Vi + SC
主詞 + 連綴動詞 + 主詞補語
1. S (主詞) + stay
/ remain + Adj. (形容詞)
/ keep
2. S (主詞) + stay / remain +N. (名詞) 此時keep不適合使用
* 常見的連綴動詞(Linking Verb)有:
1. look(看起來)、feel (覺得)、sound (聽起來)、smell (聞起來)、taste(嚐起來)、
2. come (來)、leave(離開) 、
3. be動詞、stand(站)、sit(坐)、lie(躺) 、
4. seem(似乎)、prove(顯示出..) 、 appear (似乎) 、
5. keep (保持)、remain (保持)、stay (停留)、become (變成)、go( 變得)、get (變得)、turn (變成)、 grow(變成)、fall(變成某種狀態)、run(變成) 、
口訣: 感覺來去站坐、似乎保持變成
In the movie, all the stuffed animals came _______ . (98台電)
(A) live (B) lives (C) alive (D) alives
23. We spent our winter vacation in the Netherlands. it rained constantly, we still had a great time.
(A) Although
(B) In spite of
(C) Despite
(D) Due to
(E) Because
中譯: 我們在荷蘭度過了寒假。雖然雨下不斷,但我們仍然玩得很開心。
空格後為子句 (S1 + V1, S2 + V2) S1為it,V1為rained。S2為we, V2為had。兩個子句串聯需要連接詞,所以(B) In spite of = (C) Despite 雖然文意
上都是雖然…但是…. ,可是因為of為介係詞後面接的是名詞片語,despite也是介係詞詞性,不接子句,所以都不能選。而(D) Due to的to為介係詞,
所以也不能接子句所以也不能選。只剩(A)跟(E)都是連接詞Conj. 但是在探討文意時以雖然…但是正反兩面的子句較為合適,而不是因為所以的因果
24. It is prohibited by law to mail through parcel post any merchandise that might prove in transport.
(A) to the danger
(B) with danger
(C) dangerously
(D) dangerous
(E) of the danger
此句最好將through parcel post放句尾才是最佳的寫法。另外,真主詞為to mail….此事,以翻譯最好先從此開始翻譯,而that might…transport是形容
詞子句後位修飾merchandise此先行詞/名詞,此形容詞子句中的prove為Vi的不及物動詞,所以跟第22題是一樣的,後面接形容詞,所以答案為(D) 。
25. the end of martial law in 1987, people were allowed to form new political parties and have the right of assembly, free speech and publication.
(A) For
(B) With
(C) At
(D) In
(E) From
(C)at the end of = 1. 表地點位置在…盡頭 2. 時間的結尾尾聲。
(D)in the end of = finally 最後。
* By the end of + 時間= 在~~時間之前
* in awake of 隨…之後而來; 跟隨在…後
26. The police found a bunch of kids ________ drugs in an empty house, so they stopped and arrested them right away.
(A) taking
(B) take
(C) to take
(D) are taking
(E) of taking
中譯: 警方發現一群屁孩在空屋內吸毒所以他馬上阻止並逮捕他們
S + |
catch |
+ O |
+ OC |
受詞補語可為: 分詞、名詞片語、形容詞 此句taking現在分詞表主動表正進行 |
find |
keep |
leave |
口訣: 抓發保留 |
27. After five hours of police questioning, the young man finally admitted __________ someone else’s credit card.
(A) having been used
(B) to have used
(C) having used
(D) to use
(E) have used
中譯: 在五個小時警方訊問後,此年輕男子最後承認之前盜刷了別人的信用卡。
1. admit + Ving
2. 盜刷此動作早於承認此過去式動作,所以比過去還要早發生的要用過去完成式
口訣: V1 + Ving 這類動詞有
keep, practice, complete, avoid, postpone, mind
imagine, include, anticipate, discuss, suggest, consider
admit, resent, deny, forbid, quit, ensure(guarantee /to / that)
give up, enjoy, regret, finish, risk, appreciate
28. According to the police, the car accident _________________ faulty brakes.
(A) brought about
(B) resulted in
(C) was because
(D) led to
(E) was attributed to
中譯: 根據警方,此車禍是歸因於煞車失靈。
(C)選項直接刪去,because為連接詞後接子句,fualty brakes是名詞片語,不合文法。
29. Charles has _______________ difficulty of all the students figuring out the forensic chemistry problem.
(A) few
(B) fewer
(C) more
(D) the least
(E) less
中譯: Charles在鑑識化學問題上,是所有學生裡理解問題中最沒困難的學生。
1. have diffuculty (in) + Ving 在Ving上有困難
2. all the students中比較需用最高級
30. While ____________, Police Officer Chang was approached by a woman who was screaming that she had been assaulting by her husband.
(A) with patrol
(B) at patrol
(C) in patrol
(D) under patrol
(E) on patrol
中譯: 當張姓員警巡邏時,一位哭喊著被丈夫家暴的婦女向他靠近。
解析: 固定片語,patrol就是搭配on此介係詞。另外家暴為domestic violence 簡稱DV
Identity theft, the stealing of one’s personal status and information, is 31 to be the fastest-growing crime in the world. For the past decade, more than 6.8 million people in Taiwan were victims of identity theft, and this number is still 32 . People’s identity can be stolen in a variety of ways. Thieves steal wallets or search through garbage cans for personal information. They change the billing address to get control of accounts. 33 , more high-tech thieves send fishing emails or use devices to collect data from credit cards. Most of the time, people may not find out about the crime until long after it 34 . While authorities can take some steps to protect the public 35 identity theft, ultimately, it is one who needs to take responsibility for protecting oneself.
參考網址: http://goo.gl/HDFVVo
31. (A) asked 詢問
(B) made 使得讓
(C) claimed 聲稱
(D) regarded 認為
(E) thinking 思考
32. (A) declining 下降婉拒
(B) on the decrease 減少
(C) vibrating 振動
(D) threatening 威脅
(E) on the increase 增加中
33. (A) In other words 換句話說
(B) In addition 此外
(C) Generally 一般來說
(D) Merely 僅僅
(E) However 然而
34. (A) has done 已做
(B) has committed 已承諾
(C) has been done 已被完成
(D) has been committed 已被犯下
(E) has been made 已被做成
35. (A) from 免於
(B) of 的
(C) to 到
(D) with 有和
(E) at 在
Many societies still believe that certain jobs should be gender-specific, and this idea is strengthened in schools. Both men and women 36 the gender bias in the workplace as well. Women training for jobs that are traditionally 37 men, such as a plumber, ship-captain or firefighter, might be harassed by male coworkers. The 38 of genders is also seen in the English language. Common words such as policeman, fireman and nanny suggest that jobs must be done by a certain sex. 39 , more women are being elected in government, and more men are choosing to be stay-at-home dads. We should all fight to 40 these barriers so that our children can grow up to be whatever they want to be.
參考網址: http://goo.gl/Iq1WBf
36. (A) stay away from 遠離
(B) put up with 忍受
(C) other than 不同於除了
(D) have in common 有共同點
(E) compare with 相較於
37. (A) held by 由舉辦掌握
(B) regarded as 被認為是
(C) owing to 因為由於
(D) belongs to 屬於
(E) just like 就像
38. (A) likeness 相似處
(B) unlikelihood 不可能
(C) unfair 不公平的
(D) unequal 不平等的
(E) gap 缺口間斷
39. (A) Shortly 不久
(B) In the past 在過去
(C) These Days 現在; 如今
(D) Instantly 瞬間
(E) Momentarily 暫時瞬間
40. (A) work together 一起工作
(B) break down 打破
(C) catch up with 趕上
(D) bully 欺負
(E) demand 需求
五、閱讀測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20分)
Proper firearms training is one phase of law enforcement that can not be ignored. No part of the training of a police officer is more important or more valuable. The officer’s life, and often the lives of his or her fellow officers, depend directly upon skill with the weapon he or she is carrying. Proficiency with the revolver is not attained exclusively by the volume of ammunition used and the number of hours spent on the firing line. Supervised practice and the use of training aids and techniques help make the shooter. It is essential to have a good firing range where new officers are trained and older personnel practice in scheduled firearms sessions. The fundamental points to be stressed are grip, stance, breathing, sight alignment, and trigger squeeze. Coordination of thought, vision, and motion must be achieved before the officer gains confidence in shooting ability. Attaining this ability will make the student a better officer and enhance his or her value to the force.
文章出處: Master the Police Officer Exam: Five Practice Tests:
41. According to the passage, proper training in the use of firearms is one aspect of law enforcement that must be given serious consideration mainly because it is .
(A) the most useful and essential factor in the training of a police officer
(B) the one phase of police officer training which stresses mental and physical coordination
(C) the costliest aspect of police officer training
(D) the most difficult part of police officer training
(E) the optional part of police officer training
42. A police officer will gain confidence in his or her shooting ability only after having .
(A) spent the required number of hours on the firing line
(B) been given sufficient supervised practice
(C) learned the five fundamental points
(D) learned to coordinate revolver movement with sight and thought
(E) finished his/her studies in a police academy
43. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT included as the fundamental points of firearms training?
(A) position
(B) a good holding
(C) the focusing of hearing
(D) an adjustment for seeing focus
(E) a stable and smooth respiration
44. What does the phrase “firing range” in line 6 mean?
(A) the length of firing
(B) the scope of firing
(C) the space of firing
(D) the arrangement of firing
(E) the place of practicing firing
45. What is probably the best title of the passage?
(A) The expenditure of firearms training for a police officer
(B) The importance of firearms training for a police officer
(C) How to gain the shooting ability for a police officer
(D) How to be a good police officer
(E) The fundamental points of firearms training
breath pattern while shooting
Proper sight alignment
Proper Pistal Grups
Correct shooting stance
Trigger finger placement
The public often believes that the main job of a uniformed officer is to enforce laws simply by arresting people. In reality, however, many of the situations that an officer deals with do not call for the use of the power of arrest. In the first place, an officer spends much of his or her time preventing crimes from happening, by spotting potential violations or suspicious behavior and taking action to prevent illegal acts. In the second place, many of the situations in which officers are called on for assistance involve elements like personal disputes, husband-wife quarrels, noisy juveniles, or emotionally disturbed persons. The majority of these problems do not result in arrests and convictions, and often they do not even involve illegal behavior. In the third place, even in situations where there seems to be good reason to make an arrest, an officer may have to exercise very good judgment. There are times when making an arrest too soon could touch off a riot, or could result in the detention of a minor offender while major offenders escaped, or could cut short the gathering of necessary on-the-scene evidence.
文章出處: Master the Police Officer Exam: Five Practice Tests:
46. The passage implies that most citizens .
(A) will start to riot if they see an arrest being made
(B) appreciate the work that law enforcement officers do
(C) never call for assistance unless they are involved in a personal argument or a husband-wife
(D) do not realize that making arrests is only a small part of law enforcement
(E) believe they can get the police assistance promptly
47. According to the passage, one way in which police officers can prevent crimes from happening is by .
(A) arresting suspicious guys
(B) taking action on potential violations
(C) letting minor offenders go free
(D) refusing to get involved in husband-wife fights
(E) calling for back-ups
48. The word “juveniles” in line 6 is mostly like .
(A) drivers (B) neighbors
(C) bystanders (D) pedestrians
(E) youth
49. The last sentence in the passage mentions “detention of minor offenders.” Of the following, which best explains the meaning of the word “detention” as used here?
(A) sentencing someone
(B) indicting someone
(C) calling someone before a court hearing
(D) questioning someone
(E) arresting someone
50. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT included in the possible happenings when making an arrest too promptly?
(A) a mobbish gathering
(B) a runaway of prime violators
(C) a costly and time-consuming investigation
(D) an imprisonment of secondary violators
(E) an interruption of collecting evidence
〝警察英文 呂艾肯老師〞