
幾週前有篇聳動的國際媒體經濟學人(Economist)所刊出的一篇文章Sticky fingers: Where bribery is most widespread (手腳不乾淨: 賄絡最廣泛的地區) 其中文章轉載的報導數據是由總部位於柏林的社會團體,其名稱為國際透明組織(Transparency International, a Berlin-based campaigning group)的調查開頭的第一句中的片語相當有趣:


In some countries the need to grease the palms of officialdom remains a depressing fact of life.



句子中grease one’s palms 是向~行賄的片語,grease可以當名詞油脂的意思,也可以當動詞塗油汙賄絡之意。此片語也可用  grease one’s fist/hand = grease/oil the palm/hand of  行贿 另外一方則是 have an itching palm代表收賄另外 grease也有另一個相關片語 fret/fry in one’s own grease  意指自作自受; grease monkey 則代表常沾染到潤滑油的機械工95年的警大二技則有一題題目跟grease有相關的:


It is not good for our health to eat _______ hamburgers everyday.

(A) much         (B) high          (C) low           (D) greasy       (E) great




This best-selling bag is made of _________ leather, not artificial

(A) genius                   (B) genuine                 (C) genetic                  (D) greasy



那當警務人員面對賄絡等等的誘惑時應當堅守立場,這樣的英文表示是否有片語能表示呢?有的,而且也跟槍gun有關,此片語為stick/stand to one’s gunsAP美聯社在Aug/26/2012的新聞中,最後一段就有這個片語,

A new poll for Stern magazine shows 64 percent of Germans think the chancellor should stick to her guns, while only 32 percent think she should reconsider her insistence on austerity.AP



We have to admire the ladies who fifty years ago worked so hard to get women the right to vote. People laughed at them at first but they stuck to their guns and got the congress to pass the 19th Amendment back in 1920.



所以說stick to one’s guns代表堅守立場是很好的但是stick one’s neck out 像烏龜把頸部伸出殼外意指為某人或某事冒風險這可就要多考慮瞜。另外也有幾個跟gun有相關的片語也一併在此列出 blow great guns 吹出大槍來就是在刮強風give it the gun 給它把槍則是代表加速  go great guns  代表成功  spike one’s gun 則有挫敗某人的計劃之意


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