【警察特考】Shoddy Lard or Tainted oil? 劣質豬油或有毒食用油? - 警察ˋ4等英文
食安警察的呼聲一直不斷 說不定過不久真的就會有這樣的職缺出現 但我想這也是好事 民以食為天 本來就是要先照顧好食衣住行為首的食安
但似乎許多政客都忘了....之後雷聲大雨點小的情況又再度發生 警察要負責的許多事項還是一樣 但是需要改變的制度仍是沒有改變 天佑台灣
食品安全衛生真的是不能輕忽阿! 立委諸公們請多位後代子孫著想
(Tainted Lard:China’s Latest Food-Safety Scare Comes From Taiwan)
(’Gutter Oil’ Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China)
「台灣捲入餿水油醜聞」(Taiwan Reels From Gutter Oil Scandal)
Gutter oil manufacturers collect leftover from restaurants, waste from sewers, and waste animal fat to produce gutter oil and then perform some simple filtering. The roughly filtered oil is then sold on to big enterprises for refinement. The refined oil is then labelled and packaged before being sold as cooking oil in a various brands.
地溝油製造商蒐集餐廳廚餘、地溝廢物、廢棄動物油,加上簡單的過濾後,去製造地溝油。 被簡略過濾的油接下來被送到大廠去做更細部的加工,加工後,它們將被貼上品牌標籤及包裝,當成一般的食用油品牌在販售。
It is sold to restaurants, school cafeterias, supermarkets, factories and food stands. Recycled oil is widely used in other countries, but not for cooking. An estimate 4 to 5 million tons of gutter oil is sued by a restaurant in China every year.
The "illegal cooking oil" is usually made from discarded kitchen waste that has been refined, the report said, adding that the oil, which contains a highly toxic and carcinogenic substance called "aflatoxin [͵æfləˋtɑksɪn] ", can cause cancer. Gutter oil contains carcinogen [kɑrˋsɪnədʒən] that can lead to cancer of stomach, core lung, kidney, breast, ovary and intestines.
- illegal cooking oil就是指“地溝油”,也稱為swill-cooked dirty oil; 另外,pesticide residues(農藥殘留),以及illegal food additives (非法食品添加劑)也都是食品安全的問題之一
Pineapple buns and dumplings have been pulled from the shelves in Hong Kong as authorities check whether they contain what media are referring to as “gutter oil” that has sparked a growing regional food safety scare.
An investigation was launched after oil from a Taiwanese company accused of using illegally recycled products — including fat collected from grease traps — was exported to the territory.
Taiwanese authorities say a factory in Greater Kaohsiung illegally used 243 tonnes of tainted products to mix with lard oil.
The scare has now spread to Hong Kong, with local chains forced to pull products from their shelves and experts ramping up spot checks.