105 年一般警察人員考試 四等
英文試題 解析
104年- 字數: 3150 字彙15題 克漏字 15題/4段 閱讀測驗 20題/5段 105年- 字數: 1950 字彙27題 克漏字 11題/3段 閱讀測驗 12題/3段 |
以題型來看雖然都是一樣三種題型,但是最好答題取分的第一部分”字彙題型”今年多了12題,從答題者角度來看,這部分通常是答對的機會較高且不用花太多的時間的題組。(另外26題,考卷上有個typo, 倒數第三個字is應該訂正為in)。而第二部分,則是答題者最容易出錯的部分”克漏字”題型,但今年不但少出了1個段落,題目也少了3題,大大減少答題者被扣分的可能。在出處上,三篇都可以從網路上找到,也都提供了網址讓大家參考。第三部分的”閱讀測驗”,則是少了2個段落,只須回答12題整整少了8題。出處方面,第二大題則是摘錄自J.K. Rowling在2008 年哈佛畢業典禮的演講稿。第三大題則是語言習得的文章,有興趣的人也可以點網址進去下載全文來看。綜觀以上數據,今年的英文的確是比去年簡單許多,字數上以及題型上的簡化,讓答題者有更充裕的時間思考並檢驗。
以字彙選項的難易度來看,依照全民英檢的字彙分級程度,今年27題的字彙題,正確選項中,初級單字有5個、中級單字片語佔13個、中高級單字則有9個,中級單字就佔了近一半的考題。(但非正確的選項裡,則也有些超出中高級的單字。) ,所以今年的英文平均分述,估計可以拉高個6-8分也不為過。個人淺見,供大家參考。
初級 |
中級 |
中高級以上 |
Purchase Left Inspire Available Mistakes |
Well-known Otherwise Identity Infect Concentrate Bargain Unexpectedly Injured Enterprise Earthquake Discouraged Dispute Account for |
Resume Dandruff Essence Intersection Outnumber Ultimate Testify Donation Eradicate (超出中高級)
1. Capital punishment is a in modern societies. Many people today insist that no one has the right to take another person’s life, not even the criminal’s.
(A) dispute 爭議 (B) distribution 分配
(C) distinction區別 (D) disclosure 洩漏
2. Wearable technology devices ____ over 30% of the company’s total sales three years in a row.
穿戴式裝置在連續三年內, 佔了這家公司總銷售額的百分之三十。
(A) account for 佔了(數量上) (B) amount to 總計
(C) accumulate for 累計 (D) add up 總計
3. We often feel ____ from doing anything when we are not at our best health-wise and emotion-wise.
當我們的健康和情緒狀態不佳時,做任何事往往都會使我們感到 沮喪。
(A) deprived 被剝奪的 (B) defective 有缺陷的
(C) disapproved 不同意的 (D) discouraged 沮喪的
4. Nobody expects corruption to be in China. It is built into the system, a system without checks and balances.
沒有人指望過中國政府的腐敗可以被 根除。這種腐敗已深植其中,而且毫無制衡可言。
(A) detained 拘留 (B) eradicated 根除
(C) mobilized 動員 (D) quenched 止渴
5. Rescue workers searched for survivors in the epicenter of that struck China’s Yunnan province.
救難人員在位於該次 地震震央的雲南省搜索出生還者。
(A) a grocery 雜貨 (B) an obstacle 障礙
(C) a native 本地人 (D) an earthquake 地震
6. She works in a social dedicated to radically increasing the scale of energy access in developing countries
她在一家致力於在開發中國家推廣能源普及的社會 企業服務。
(A) installment 分期付款 (B) enterprise 企業
(C) message 訊息 (D) feast 盛宴
7. He was knocked down by a car and badly .
他被一輛車撞倒而且嚴重 受傷。
(A) injured 受傷 (B) intended 打算
(C) intensified 強化 (D) inaugurated 舉行就職儀式
8. Although they have been tamed, circus tigers can attack their trainer.
雖然馬戲團的老虎已經被馴服了,牠們仍會 出乎意外地攻擊馴獸師。
(A) unexpectedly 意外地 (B) gracefully 優雅地
(C) elegantly 端莊地 (D) nicely 恰當地
9. FoodCloud is a nonprofit food-sharing service that connects businesses, such as supermarkets or bakeries, with charities seeking food _____.
(A) career 事業 (B) donation 捐贈
(C) problem 問題 (D) reduction 減少
10. It is often hard to ___ the truth of a legend, but we seem to always enjoy learning the stunning part ofit.
要 驗證傳說的真實性往往很困難,但我們似乎總是享受在它那驚人之處。
(A) run out of 用光 (B) testify 證明
(C) scrap 廢棄 (D) carry out 實行
11. Renting a car in Morocco isn’t cheap,but it is possible to strike very good with some of the smaller dealers.
在摩洛哥租車不便宜,不過以較低的價格與一些小型車商達成 議價還是有可能的。
(A) allies 盟國 (B) bargains 議價
(C) commodities 日用品 (D) diversities 多樣性
12. The newest model of the video game will be for purchase next month.
這款新型電玩遊戲將會在下個月發售 供應。
(A) reluctant 不情願的 (B) available 可取得的
(C) obscure 含糊的 (D) peculiar 奇特的
13. There is no shortage of challenging destinations for drivers in China, but Tibet is widely regarded as the ___ one.
(A) equivalent 相當的 (B) fragile 易碎的
(C) synthetic 合成的 (D) ultimate 最終的
14. Though women men in the workforce, the gender gap at the top is still wide.
儘管女性的勞動人口 高於男性,頂層的性別差異仍然普遍存在。
(A) encounter 遇見 (B) harass 騷擾
(C) outnumber 數量多於… (D) relish 欣賞品嘗
15. Jeremy Lin’s success has me to go after my dream, which is to become a Broadway singer.
林書豪的成功 啟發我追求成為百老匯歌手的夢想
(A) expanded 擴大 (B) inspired 啟發
(C) offended 冒犯 (D) approached 接近
16. Bryan could not on his studies because of the noise outside.
由於外面的噪音,Bryan無法 專心念書
- ondense濃縮;壓縮 (B) confuse使困惑;使混淆
(C) contract合約;合同 (D) concentrate專心於....
17. Anyone who is with the Aids virus has to notify the sanitary authorities.
任何 感染愛滋病的患者必須向衛生單位通報。
(A) infected 受感染的 (B) initiated 新加入的
(C) injured 受傷的 (D) included 包括在內的
18. Several witnesses were asked to the suspect who had robbed the lady.
幾名目擊者被要求 辨認出涉嫌搶劫那位女士的嫌犯。
(A) enrich 使豐富 (B) defoliate 使落葉
(C) identify 確認;識別 (D) lease 出租
19. Jack’s telephone bill is due today. He needs to pay it by midnight tonight; ____, the telephone company will disconnect him.
Jack的手機繳費截止日到今天。他得在凌晨12點之前付清帳單, 否則電信公司將限制發話。
(A) afterall 畢竟 (B) furthermore 除此之外
(C) inconsequence 結果 (D) otherwise 否則
20. Mr. Wang is very upset because the woman he fell in love with has _____ him.
王先生因爲深愛的女性 離開他而感到相當難過沮喪。
(A) leavefavored 喜歡...
(B) leavingpraised 稱讚...
(C) admired 欽佩/欣賞
(D) left 離開
21. The growing burden of housing loans has made it difficult for young people to their own homes.
(A) transfer 轉換 (B) compromise 妥協
(C) purchase 購買 (D) manifest 顯示
22. A horrible car crash happened this morning at the busy of Highways 1 and 6.
(A) compartment 區隔 (B) intersection 路口
(C) foundation 地基 (D) summit 尖峰
23. The story of Snow White is _, so I don’t need to repeat it.
(A) wide 寬的 (B) well-known 出名的
(C) angry 生氣的 (D) efficient 有效的
24. Across the world traditions differ, but many practices are similar ____.
(A) tonoavail 無用的 (B) on earth 世界上
(C) innotime 馬上 (D) in essence 本質上
25. My brother’s letter was full of ____, so it was hard to read.
(A) merits 優點 (B) mistakes 錯誤
(C) games 遊戲 (D) senses 道理
26. The ______ on your head and shoulder seems to be the snowflake decoration in Christmas season.
(A) brochure 手冊 (B) dandruff 頭皮屑
(C) concierge 門房 (D) graffiti 塗鴉
27. The receptionist at the front desk looked busy; after he stopped to give us directions to the waiting area, he doing what he was previously busy with right away.
(A) maintained 維持保持 (B) preserved 保存
(C)resumed 繼續;恢復 (D) withdrew 取回
請依下文回答第 28 題至第 31 題:
Michelangelo’s David, the five-hundred-year-old marble statue, is regarded as an example of a perfect male body. However, he is found to have a flaw-having crossed eyes. The 28 was made during an exercise to produce a digital version of all Michelangelo’s sculptures and buildings by scanning them with a laser. The result shows the gaze directions of his eyes diverge. This is shown clearly in the full frontal image of David’s face, which cannot normally be seen because the sculpture is 16ft tall, stands on an elevated base, and is viewed from 29 at an angle at which the face is obscured by the left hand.
It is believed that Michelangelo did this 30 , because it provided good profiles of David when seen from all sides. 31 , Michelangelo sculpted with not only human anatomy and common imperfections in mind, but also with the viewing angle of the people on the ground. It wasn’t until science and photography enabled us to look at David in various angles and heights was it discovered that David’s eyes weren’t “perfect.” For non-technological viewing, David’s squinted eyes contribute to his stature and posture from all sides.
28 (A) mistake錯誤 (B) change改變
(C) discovery發現 (D) legend傳說
29 (A) behind在…背後 (B) above 在…之上
(C) below在…之下 (D) across穿越
30 (A) on purpose故意地 (B) at random 任意隨機
(C) in vain無用的 (D) by chance偶然
31 (A) On the contrary 相反
(B) By no means 絕不
(C) As a result 因此結果
(D) In other words換句話說
請依下文回答第 32 題至第 35 題:
The lives of both local and international health care workers, as well as the lives of thousands of people in West Africa and possibly beyond, are at stake in the world’s largest Ebola epidemic to date. Organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse and Doctors without Borders have taken the lead in _32_ the disease, which has seen major outbreaks in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. They are underfunded and overstretched as the epidemic _33_.
The International response to the epidemic has __34_been insufficiently urgent. The international community needs to act fast to __35__the worst Ebola outbreak in history.
32 (A) confirming 確認 (B) interrupting打斷
(C) informing 通知 (D) combatting對抗
33 (A) improves 改善 (B) worsens惡化
(C) struggles奮鬥 (D) withdraws收回
34 (A) so late如此晚 (B) so far到目前為止
(C) so little如此少 (D) so much如此多
這邊時態出現了現在完成式,因此選項裡有so far剛好符合時態跟文意。
35 (A) contain控管住 (B) detain 扣押留住
(C) maintain維持 (D) entertain使愉樂
請依下文回答第 36 題至第 38 題:
David knew that doctors were good men, and the adults had always told him that doctors were there to help people when they were ill. So he __36__ quietly while the doctor touched him and __37__ the dirt away with something from a bottle. It hurt all the time, and then the doctor put something else on his burns, and that hurt, too. But the doctor explained that __38__ he did not do it, the burns would be more painful the next day.
36 (A) submitted 忍受屈服 (B) escaped逃跑
(C) admitted承認 (D) departed 啟程離開
37 (A) folded對摺 (B) amazed使驚奇
(C) chased追尋 (D) wiped擦拭
wipe away當做擦拭去
38 (A) if假如 (B) though雖然
(C) since自從 (D) as當
假設語氣中與現在事實相反,但因醫生強調當時的現況,故時態用過去式後面則用would +VR。
請依下文回答第 39 題至第 43 題:
In recent years, the sudden disappearance of bees has concerned scientists. When many bees are absent from the earth, this will have a great impact on people’s life because 40.many kinds of food such as fruits, vegetables, meats, milk, and eggs will be gone with bees. As a result, many scientists have already found out the reasons why many bees are vanishing from the earth. Some of these causes include climate change and serious food shortages for bees. But 41.a major risk is the use of pesticides that can make bees become puzzled, bring less pollen home, and even unable to find their way home.
In some of the worst cases, pesticides can harm bees’ immune systems and make them endangered by the threats of parasites. In order to save the bees and protect our environment, some people have already 42.gone organic by not using pesticides when planting flowers, vegetables, and fruits. And to our great delight, 43.scientists have also discovered the way to kill those parasites that are deadly to bees. Despite these great efforts made to save the bees, it is still the 39.increasing awareness of environmental protection that can eventually protect our bees from disappearing.
39. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) the disappearance of food supply
(B) the importance of environmental protection
(C) the misuse of pesticides 殺蟲劑的濫用
(D) the threats of parasites 寄生蟲的威脅
40. According to the passage, why is the absence of bees on earth so vital to humans?
(A) Because it tells us about the reason of climate change.
(B) Because it makes humans realize the usage of pesticides to bees.
(C) Because it takes away many sources of food from humans.
(D) Because it lets people know the importance of science.
41. According to the passage, what is the major cause for the disappearance of many bees?
(A) parasites 寄生蟲
(B) global warming 全球暖化
(C) lack of food supply 缺乏食物
(D) pesticides 殺蟲劑
42. According to the passage, what can people do to reduce the use of pesticides?
- 根據文章,人們能做什麼以減少殺蟲劑的使用?
(A) By growing less food 種植少一點食物
(B) By killing more parasites 殺死更多寄生蟲
(C) By going organic 過著有機生活
(D) By making a new kind of chemicals 製出新的化學藥劑
- According to the passage, what is the scientific progress made to save the bees?
(A) Finding the ways to get rid of parasites
(B) Discovering the sources of food supply
(C) Inventing new kinds of farming
(D) Reducing the risks of climate change
請依下文回答第 44 題至第 47 題:
I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels.
However, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension. I know that the irony strikes with the force of a cartoon anvil, now. They hoped that I would take a vocational degree, but I wanted to study English literature. A compromise was reached that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages.
我很清楚我唯一想做的事情就是寫小說。然而,我家那兩位出身貧寒、且都沒上過大學的父母卻認為我過於躁動的想像力是種個人怪癖,沒辦法拿來繳貸款或是存退休金的。我知道我現在是大大的打臉的諷刺情況 (J.K 的身價遠超過父母能想像得到的,而這就像是卡通裡常表現出鐵砧掉下來狠狠打到人的情況。),
Hardly had my parents’ car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor. I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics; they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day. Of all the subjects on this planet, I think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.
出處: http://goo.gl/I03exJ J.K. Rowling 2008 年在哈佛畢業典禮的演講
- According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The author and her parents had different views on what to study in college.
(B) The author eventually took a vocational degree.
(C) The author’s parents loved Greek mythology though they did not like their daughter to study literature.
(D) The author’s parents encouraged their daughter to develop creativity and imagination.
- According to the passage, what was the author’s major in college?
(A) German 德語
(B) Classics 古典文學
(C) Modern languages 現代語文
(D) Chinese literature 中國文學
- According to the passage, which of the following is the least important in the minds of the author’s parents?
(A) the position of a business executive
(B) a pension plan
(C) the ability to own a property
(D) knowledge of ancient Greek culture
- What of the following is closest in meaning to the word “compromise”?“
(A) expectation 預期 (B) compassion 憐憫
(C) concession 讓步 (D) exploration 探勘
請依下文回答第 48 題至第 50 題:
In 1970, a wild child was found in California: a girl of 13 who had been isolated in a small room and had not been spoken to by her parents since infancy. “Genie,” as she was later dubbed to protect her privacy by the psycholinguists who tested her, could not stand erect. At the time, she was unable to speak: she could only whimper. The case came to light when Genie’s 50-year-old mother ran away from her 70-year-old husband after a violent quarrel and took the child along. The mother was partially blind and applied for public assistance. Genie was sent to the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital for tests.
1970年,有個野孩子'在美國加州被發現: 一個13歲的小女孩長期被父母獨自孤立在一個小房間裡,而且從嬰兒時期都不曾開口說過話。這名女孩名叫Genie,當心理語言學家測試她時,她幾乎站都站不直,吱吱唔唔地回答不想讓人知道她的事。那時候,她根本没有基本的語言能力,只能低頭啜泣。在得知Genie五十歲的母親在一場激烈爭執而離開了七十歲的丈夫後,她獨力扶養她,這才真相大白。她的母親視力半盲並領有社會補助。Genie因此被送到洛杉磯兒童醫院接受測試。
The discovery of Genie aroused intense curiosity among psychologists, linguists, neurologists, and others who study brain development. They were eager to know what Genie’s mental level was at the time she was found and whether she would be capable of developing her faculties. “It’s a terribly important case,” says Harlan Lane, a psycholinguist at Northeastern University who wrote The Wild Boy of Aveyron. 49.“Since our morality doesn’t allow us to conduct deprivation experiments with human beings, these unfortunate people are all we have to go on.”
Genie的發現在心理學家、語言學家、神經學家、還有其他腦部研究專家中掀起一陣波瀾。他們渴於想知道Genie被發現時的腦部狀態,也想知道她各方面的機能否繼續發展。美國波士頓東北大學的心理學家、The Wild Boy of Aveyron此書的作者Harlan Lane表示: 這是一個非常重要的案例。並說到,由於道德觀不允許我們對"人"進行如此不人道的剝奪性實驗,而這些遭受不幸的人仍舊需要社會大眾持續關懷。
出處: http://goo.gl/fbdQz5 Language Acquisition
- What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To correct the misconception about unfortunate people.
(B) To report a specific case for scientific research.
(C) To explore the causes of mental illness.
(D) To help people who cannot speak.
- Why are many scientists curious about Genie’s case?
(A) Because they can study her brain development.
(B) Because they can earn a lot of money.
(C) Because they have sympathy for her.
(D) Because they want Genie to be a scientist.
- Which of the following fields might NOT be interested in studying Genie’s case?
(A) neurology 神經學
(B) mythology 神話學
(C) psychology 心理學
(D) linguistics 語言學